Thanks to all who came out and played, donated, and volunteered today! It was a beautiful day of fun with friends for a good cause! Here’s the “class” of 2023:

Keep it classy, folks, and we’ll see you again next year! THANK YOU for supporting local musicians!

Calling all golfers! Here’s your opportunity to support this fund created by Lindsay and (the late) Jo Shannon to honor their son Michael. Michael was a fun-loving person who counted many musicians among his group of friends and loved helping his parents at BB’s Lawnside BBQ.
This golf tournament benefit is the only mechanism for raising the funds necessary to provide support to musicians who are experiencing financial hardship.
The date is Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at Hillcrest Golf Club, 8200 Hillcrest Road, Kansas City, MO. Registration, and catered lunch from BB’s Lawnside BBQ, start at noon; tee time is 1:00 p.m. Drinks are provided. It’s a 4-person scramble, $100/person with all proceeds (minus golf club expenses) going to the fund. Each entrant receives a t-shirt, and the winning team receives a prize.
1. Pre-register and pay by emailing,
2. Pre-register and pay through Paypal by clicking the button below. Please include “Golf Tournament” in the “Add a note to your donation” field.
3. Register and pay on site the day of the tournament.
This is a fund which was created solely to benefit local musicians. We welcome your participation.