The Strongman Blues Remedy Vol. 1
Artist: Steve Strongman
Label: Stony Plain Records
Released: 2022
Number of Tracks: 10
Duration: 36:05
Review by Craig Whittington
Same Covid story, over and over. Steve Strongman was shut down by Covid. Don’t let the name fool you, he’s not with the circus, he’s a musician. So he wrote a bunch of songs and brought a bunch a friends into the mix. Canadians, no less. He picked some good’erns, too. Jugglers, lion tamers. None of them are with the circus, as far as I know, but I like the sound of that, so I’m starting the rumor. The funny thing is, this circus music sounds great(it has nothing to do with the circus whatsoever). Great players and the songs are good. The guest artist are bringing top notch performances and the vocals are the most impressive aspect, I believe. No pitch correction here. This is center ring stuff. A turntable is just a small Tilt-a-Whirl. And that’s how rumors get started.
Hear for yourself: Listen on SoundCloud