Saturday, November 12
Score Sports Bar and Grill
We are very thankful for all the patronage extended to the Kansas City Blues Society in 2022 by attending the monthly meetings/jams, supporting the Michael Shannon Musicians Fund, embracing the KC Women in Blues show, buying merchandise and buying cruise raffle tickets, becoming a member/renewing your membership, volunteering at KCBS-sponsored events, and just championing Blues music, Blues musicians, and the many venues who support live music. We’re inviting all members and volunteers to join us at Score Sports Bar & Grill, 9100 East 35th St S, Independence, MO 64052, on Saturday, November 12, from noon to 3:00 p.m. to celebrate year 42 of the Kansas City Blues Society. Mingle with the Board members, get reacquainted with friends while enjoying eats and drinks and dancin’ to the good sounds of Jammin Jan and the GratiDudes! There will be giveaways, too!!
RSVP for the party below: